Friday, October 15, 2021

(scheduled) derivation of the solution of the quadratic equation

 about (scheduled) :: every now and then (not too often) i set myself to re-figure it out (the history has proven there exists a variance of what i come up with each time ...)

... so -- Def.-s , etc. ... ::

\left({x-a}\right)\left({x-b}\right)=0 &\ &\\
x^2-\left({a-b}\right)x+ab=0 &\ &\\
x^2+px+q=0\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \rightarrow\\
x^2+2px+p^2=px-q+p^2\ |×3 &\\
x^2-2px+p^2=-3px-q+p^2\ |+\ \uparrow &\\
4x^2+4px+4p^2=0-4q+4p^2\ |-3p^2\\
4x^2+4px+p^2=p^2-4q\ |÷4\\
\mathbf{x^2+2\frac p2x+{\left({\frac p2}\right)}^2={\left({\frac p2}\right)}^2-q}
\end{array} &\ &
\mathbf{x^2+2\frac p2x+{\left({\frac p2}\right)}^2={\left({\frac p2}\right)}^2-q}\\
{\left({x+\frac p2}\right)}^2={\left({\frac p2}\right)}^2-q\\
\boxed{x=-\frac p2±\sqrt{{\left({\frac p2}\right)}^2-q}}\\{}\\{}

... (it) came out double ((at) this time) -- the short and the long -- way to (the solution) F;T
// is likely ↑↑ why ↑↑ in many blogs folks do not get a thing what i say
// (as an old school programmer i always live-compact my code(read: text))

see also the inner properties of @ About the Quadratic Equation


Friday, August 20, 2021

Dif. Hi-Gain Amp. (not very practical)



\[Def\ :\ \frac1{\mathbf{R_X}}=\frac1{R_g+R_S}+\frac1{R_P}=\\ =\frac{R_g+R_S+R_P}{\left({R_g+R_S}\right)R_P}\]






\[\boxed{\quad A_V\quad}=\frac{V_O-V_R}{V_S-V_Z}=\left({1+\frac{R_f}{R_X}}\right)\left({1+\frac{R_S}{R_g}}\right)-1=\cancel{1}+\frac{R_f}{R_X}+\frac{R_S}{R_g}+\frac{R_fR_S}{R_XR_g}\cancel{-1}=\]







\[\boxed{\quad R_P\quad}=\frac{1+\frac{R_S}{R_g}}{\frac{A_V-\frac{R_S}{R_g}}{R_f}-\frac1{R_g}}=\boxed{\quad \frac{R_g+R_S}{\frac{A_VR_g-R_S}{R_f}-1}\quad}\]

about :

Uses the LM324 transistor model (the simulation)


Sunday, August 8, 2021

Dif. Pos.-fbk. op.-Amp.










\[=\left[{Def.:\ R\ ,\ \ \frac1{R_0}+\frac1{R_2}=\frac1{R_1}+\frac1{R_3}=\frac1{R}}\right]=\]


What the above means - is that in case of the shown configuration - the non-common mode signal is extracted from common mode one , amplified ... and added back to the common mode one . . . shortly put :


PS! : It is also possible to show - as for the above positive voltage gain derivation - that when we swap VS and VR then the negative/inverting voltage gain becomes \(A_V=\frac1{1-\frac{R_1}{R_0}}\) (see below) . . .

assuming the relation \(R_2=R_0·\left({A_V-1}\right)\) for the positive gain and the relation \(R_2=-A_V·R_0\) for the inverting gain -- the following applies :

the neg. gain case :


e.g. \(\quad\left|{{A_V}^-}\right|={A_V}^+-1\quad\) ← that
for the same resistor values or for the same R0 : R1 ratio

about formulas :

\(A_V\quad\)user set

user set

\(R_0\)user setuser set








